About The Bristol Mix


Our Vision:

To be the best barbershop chorus, promoting mixed singing in a welcoming and fulfilling environment which encourages excellence as well as fun, friendship, commitment, respect & inclusivity.

Our Mission:

An inclusive and friendly group of people dedicated to the highest standard of barbershop singing. We accept our personal responsibility to work consistently hard both collectively and individually to achieve singing excellence. We are all committed to the vision of the chorus and bring passion, a smile, full preparation and quality to every event.

We are The Bristol Mix, a mixed chorus based in Bristol focused primarily on the barbershop a capella style of singing. In 2022 we won the UK Mixed Chorus Gold at the British Association of Barbershop Singers convention in Harrogate.  

Formed in 2019 as a collaboration between all 6 barbershop choruses in Bristol, since then we have opened our doors to anyone that would like to sing with us who has a strong connection with Bristol. We consist of approximately 60 members who have all auditioned to be part of a high quality chorus.

We meet to rehearse between 4 and 6 times per year meaning that the emphasis between rehearsals is on personal learning backed up with extremely high quality rehearsals under the direction of our fabulous chorus director Linda Corcoran.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 The Bristol Mix